Help! My Light Bulb Broke In The Socket.
A broken light bulb is a dangerous problem to have; you risk electrocution or cutting yourself. The first thing you should do is make sure the power to the light fixture is turned off.
Possible Solutions
TikToc and Pinterest have a plethora of "DIY tips" from melting soda bottles to using potatoes. We are not saying those methods won't work, but we also are by no means calling them safe or recommending them ourselves. There are a few different solutions to this problem, such as legitimate light bulb removal tools. A good pair of needle nose pliers is another tried and true method. If you are comfortable and experienced with electricity and are certain the power is off, these are viable options. However in certain situations, such as an outside fixture that has rusted out, that the entire fixture will need to be replaced. In any case working on electrical problems without experience is not recommended at all, as it is far to dangerous.
Our Recommendation
Well, this blog is written by us after all so you probably guessed,😎 but we recommend you contact Stewardship Home Solutions. Actually, not just for broken bulbs but bulb replacement. Or for any minor electrical issues such as changing a ceiling fan or replacing an outlet. As we referenced in a previous blog, our abilities are limited, for instance, we do not do work such as changing outlet locations or replacing breakers. There are benefits however, to hiring a professional handyman and it may be a better option for you. If it is not something that we are qualified or legally allowed to do we will give you, the homeowner, our recommendation as to the next step to take and point you towards a qualified professional electrician.
To learn more about Stewardship Home Solutions and the services we offer click here.
This post is written by Stewardship Home Solutions, a handyman and home repair company serving Columbia, TN and the surrounding areas.